Saturday, November 14, 2015

Windsor happy

Hello this is my first kinda real blog so today I went 2 windsor for a couple of hours and it was gr8! I forget what it was called it started w/  a C and it was italian so ;). I <3 Italian & Mexican food! i would DIE without mexican! That sweet/hot/sour ohh yeah! whenever i think of mexican or italian im immedietly hungry! Before that I was w/ my grandma for a couple of hrs. She's the BEST! Tommorow I might not be able to do a blog because im going for a birthday party 4 my friend  (do not have permission to say his name) So thats what is happening with me! Have a gr8 night/day/morning! 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Welcome! (date: 11/14/15)


My name is Cooper. I live in Michigan & I am 10 years old. I will (try) do daily blogs about whatnot.  I will hope to get back to your comments! Have a g00d day!

Remember 2 be good in the hood!